Not to get Political or anything, but some recent comments by some guy named Beck (no, not either of the talented ones we often refer to fondly as "Beck") contain a serious error so huge as to be impossible for most humans to miss: the assumption that we all believed this song to be some sort of "Patriotic Anthem." The first fool to believe that was a campaign advisor to a former President, (another apt song quoted out of context here would be "What a Fool Believes" - a song so horrible that I feel bad bringing it up, but it does fit) the second fool being Ronald Reagan, who apparently took the first fool at his word and never bothered to read the lyrics. Reagan decided the song was perfect for stirring emotions and proceeded to have the chorus blasted at campaign stops (personally, I think "Like a Virgin" would've been less vague and just as effective). So, it seems that loyal followers of the President and his rocking party adopted the song, sight unseen, and continued to blast it amongst themselves for decades without ever getting to the annoying verses. How this could happen is beyond me, but I'm sure it's not unlike saying things like "Just Say NO!" and "Drill Baby, Drill" (insert "Like a Virgin" here...).
So, fast forward the 80's cassette to 2010. Now this Beck guy has figured it out - 26 years later. He says it's NOT A PATRIOTIC ANTHEM! Yes, well that's good news, because I still have a copy on vinyl. Here's the shocking truth: