Saturday, November 30, 2013

Thank You For The

Leftovers are lurking in the fridge, cramming up the place, shoving the everyday cartons and bottles to the back of the shelf.  Songs of holidays are beginning to creep their way into the air, and things, as opposed to nothings, are encouraged to show up in bags and boxes, delivered and absorbed into the rooms and cupboards, some remaining and others banished for being inessential or hideous.
There are quinces and cranberries and pears shoved into mason jars of vodka and whiskey, left to improve our lives and attitudes later on. But it's never too soon to embrace the idea of all this... stuff.  Or maybe it is.  Wasn't it just Halloween?  There's still a cute stuffed bat hanging by the mailbox, and the ubiquitous squashes. Holidays seem to be cramming the calendar like never before, bumping each other in line and reminding us how self-centered they can be. Bad behavior is acceptable at the table. But that's OK, I like to mix it up this time of year. After that, it's more of the same.
Happy Holidays!

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