Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Unofficial history of White Boxers i.e. Analog Dog

The White Boxer is so named due to his reflective nature. It serves to keep him cool, which is a good thing considering his tendency to overheat during debates. It's not that he is disagreeable or opinionated, which he most certainly is (although he would likely argue the point), but that his lineage actually pre-dates color, back to a time when everything was viewed in black & white. Of course there are reams of misinformation alluding to an inferior upbringing and a general reluctance to assume splotches. But this is mere prejudice. Some little - known facts about A. D. include: he is a direct descendant of the first dog to join bands of English workers (AKA Luddites) who destroyed machinery, esp. in cotton and woolen mills that they believed were threatening their jobs (1811–16); he has a great fondness for tea and biscuits, intolerance for actions unbecoming to cats and squirrels, unfortunate hearing loss leading to misinterpretation of the facts, tragic jukebox selections, and a tendency to call people by the wrong name. He is also convinced that his only recourse in dispute resolution is a challenge to fight -- a direct result of getting into the dictionary late one night, tearing half the pages out and happening upon the entry for "Boxer". He lost interest after the first definition. This is a dog to be reckoned with. He is a spokesman for the underdog, the intolerant, and the hard-of-hearing. But in spite of all his shortcomings, he still has standards. He will, when all is said and left in dissaray, apologize in earnest. AND HE SHALL NOT BE DIGITIZED!


cabragordo said...

Arf, arf, he goes, a merry sight,
Our little hairy friend,
Arf, arf, upon the lampost bright
Arfing round the bend.
Nice dog! Goo boy,
Waggie tail and beg,
Clever Nigel, jump for joy
Because we're putting you to sleep at three of the clock, Nigel.

Teresa Shouvlin said...

Is tha really your dog? Cute!