Saturday, July 26, 2008

Introducing Monkey.

This character has seen his share of good times. That is if you consider waking up on the floor of a '71 Pinto reeking of vodka, paint thinner and burnt monkey hair a good time. That is how I found him (no, it wasn't my car - but the door was open and things looked ugly in there). I took him home, ran him through several heavy wash and spin cycles with bleach, and this is how he came out. Rather fluffy and self satisfied. Actually I don't think he ever sobered up, but it suits him. Some of his favorite things include: AC/DC played at maximum volume, anything with an alcohol content above 10%, random solvents, crack and cheap sugary snacks. He is a liability, but I've had him treated with fire retardant. Give it up for Monkey!


Anonymous said...

welcome monkey.

it's a crazy world here, but perhaps tame given your roots.

Joshua said...

George, have you tried that bottle of absinthe? We have one too and I have been reading about it, and I think it will have flavors that I might enjoy. Plus are there special techniques to the consumption?