Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Mitt Romney's Five-Point Plan.

Mitt Romney announced today that his initial five-point plan is excessive and should be reduced to maybe three, or even less. Once elected president, he promised to cut the number drastically but would not specify which ones would be eliminated. "I think five is just too much, maybe even four times more than it should be" said Romney, which left a number of pundits scrambling for their pocket calculators. Just how many points are in jeopardy remains unclear. The five-point plan, which was unveiled while no one was looking, seemed to contain specifics as to Romney's plan for economic, moral and god-knows-what recovery, but seems to have lost ground to stories of obesity and a Nazi-acquired statue carved from a meteorite. When asked about this latest news-breaking story, Romney responded that it "sounds pretty nutty, I think somebody just made this stuff up..."

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