Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Most Average Human.

It seems this blog has been dominated by non-humans while I was napping. I blame Monkey (what the %&*# did you put in my drink?) So, just to balance things a bit more toward HUMANITY, I have attempted to find the most average human ever to exist on the planet. You may be thinking, what makes him the MOST AVERAGE HUMAN EVER? I'm not sure, but given the wide spectrum of demented human behavior, this sure looks like the guy to me. If you disagree, you must be one of those elitists who insist on high-speed combustible engine transport, personal explosive projectile defense accessories, and leaf blowers. Welcome M.A.H.

1 comment:

djinn said...

I find it comforting that MAH has such awesome accessories; a lovely fur wrap and a spear! So useful in so many occasions.