Thursday, October 2, 2008

Monkey Takes Credit For Palin Performance.

What ya got under the hood baby? Have you ever blasted "Back In Black" with the eight track on eleven? Oops, forgot you believe in a talking snake... "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida*" honey!! Well, I'll see you on election night. Time to get on the "Highway To Hell" Cheers!
PS. I hope the check's in the mail, 'cause it's a long way from Alaska and two-for-one Spanish Coffee night is coming up.
* Drug-addled pronunciation of "In The Garden Of Eden."

1 comment:

djinn said...

I'm guessing that you, Monkey, were participating in a debate drinking contest; one shot every time Sarah mispronounced Nuclear, one shot every time she said "youbetcha," one shot every time she mentioned a child... wow, that's some liver yagothere, my primate friend.