What ya got under the hood baby? Have you ever blasted "Back In Black" with the eight track on eleven? Oops, forgot you believe in a talking snake... "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida*" honey!! Well, I'll see you on election night. Time to get on the "Highway To Hell" Cheers!
PS. I hope the check's in the mail, 'cause it's a long way from Alaska and two-for-one Spanish Coffee night is coming up.
* Drug-addled pronunciation of "In The Garden Of Eden."
1 comment:
I'm guessing that you, Monkey, were participating in a debate drinking contest; one shot every time Sarah mispronounced Nuclear, one shot every time she said "youbetcha," one shot every time she mentioned a child... wow, that's some liver yagothere, my primate friend.
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